
February 18, 2018

2-to-2 Bitcoin Transaction with Segregated Witness Addresses

Recently I wrote some code to transfer 20 USDT worth of Bitcoin from a combination of two segwit (P2WSH) addresses, with the USDT equivalent transfered to a P2PKH address and the change transferred to a P2WSH address. The following node.js code demonstrates how to do this on testnet using BitcoinJS:

 * Transfers 20 USDT and leftover BTC from two UTXOs
 * to two outputs.
 * Dependencies: bitcoinjs, request.

const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib')
const request = require('request')
const readline = require('readline')
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout

var NETWORK = bitcoin.networks.testnet
var TXN_API_PREFIX = 'https://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/test3/'
var USDT_API_PREFIX = 'https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/tether/'

var PRIVKEY2 = 'cT9UDdj3UK9i5WzE6s1HH4ATCUX4rCfMGbzpN93QTU5H4erb67Hs'

// Account to send the $20 of Tether USDT to.
// Account to send the leftover BTC (less txn fee) to.

var deriveAccount = function(privkey) {
  var keypair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(privkey, NETWORK)
  var pubKey = keypair.getPublicKeyBuffer()
  var pubKeyHash = bitcoin.crypto.hash160(pubKey)
  var redeemScript = bitcoin.script.witnessPubKeyHash.output.encode(pubKeyHash)
  var redeemScriptHash = bitcoin.crypto.hash160(redeemScript)
  var scriptPubKey = bitcoin.script.scriptHash.output.encode(redeemScriptHash)
  var address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(scriptPubKey, NETWORK)
  return {'keypair':keypair, 'redeemScript':redeemScript,
          'scriptPubKey':scriptPubKey, 'address':address}

// Setup accounts.
acct1 = deriveAccount(PRIVKEY1)
console.log('Account 1 address is ' + acct1.address)
acct2 = deriveAccount(PRIVKEY2)
console.log('Account 2 address is ' + acct2.address)

var txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(bitcoin.networks.testnet)
var total_input_satoshis = 0
var utxo_seqnum = 0
var inputSigningFuncs = []

var add_utxos_for_address = (acct, continueFn) => {
  request(TXN_API_PREFIX + 'addrs/' + acct.address, (error, response, body) => {
    if (error || response.statusCode != 200) {
      console.log('[ERROR] Unable to query external API for '
               + 'UTXOs for address ' + acct.address)
    console.log('Parsing UTXOs for address ' + acct.address)
    var info = JSON.parse(body)
    if (info.txrefs) {
      for (var txn of info.txrefs) {
        if (txn.spent == false) {
          console.log('Adding UTXO ' + utxo_seqnum + ' for address ' + acct.address
                  + ' with value ' + txn.value)
          txb.addInput(txn.tx_hash, txn.tx_output_n, 0xffffffff, acct.scriptPubKey)
          total_input_satoshis += txn.value
          var utxo_id = utxo_seqnum
          var value = txn.value
          var inputSigningFunc = function() {
            console.log('Signing UTXO ' + utxo_id + ' with value ' + value
                    + ' for address ' + acct.address)
            txb.sign(utxo_id, acct.keypair, acct.redeemScript, null, value)
            console.log('Signed UTXO ' + utxo_id + ' with value ' + value
                    + ' for address ' + acct.address)
          utxo_seqnum += 1
    if (inputSigningFuncs.length == 0) {
      console.log("[ERROR] No UTXOs found for address " + acct.address
              + "; check balance and latest transaction"
              + " confirmations before trying again.")

var usdt_to_btc = (usdt_amt, continueFn) => {
  request(USDT_API_PREFIX, (error, response, body) => {
    if (error || response.statusCode != 200) {
      console.log('[ERROR] Unable to query external API for '
               + 'USDT exchange rate.' + acct.address)
    var info = JSON.parse(body)[0]
    var satoshi_equiv = info.price_btc * 100000000 * usdt_amt
    console.log(usdt_amt + ' USDT == ' + satoshi_equiv + ' satoshis.')

add_utxos_for_address(acct1, () => {
  add_utxos_for_address(acct2, () => {
    usdt_to_btc(20, (twenty_usdt_in_satoshis) => {

      txn_fee = 35000
      change = total_input_satoshis - twenty_usdt_in_satoshis - txn_fee
      if (change < 0) {
        console.log('[ERROR] Txn inputs are insufficient to transfer 20 USDT '
                + 'worth of BTC to the first account + txn fee. Aborting.')

      txb.addOutput(USDT_OUTPUT_ADDR, twenty_usdt_in_satoshis)
      console.log('Added output of ' + twenty_usdt_in_satoshis + ' for '
                        + USDT_OUTPUT_ADDR)
      txb.addOutput(LEFTOVER_BTC_OUTPUT_ADDR, change)
      console.log('Added output of ' + change + ' for '
                        + LEFTOVER_BTC_OUTPUT_ADDR)

      for (var inputSigningFunc of inputSigningFuncs) {

      var tx = txb.build()

      // Display recommended fee based on weight of signed txn.
      var weight = tx.weight()
      var satoshiPerByte = 100
      var satoshiPerWeight = satoshiPerByte / 4
      var recommendedFee = parseInt(weight * satoshiPerWeight)
      console.log('Recommended fee is ' + recommendedFee + ', you used ' +
                  txn_fee + '; consider adjusting if difference is large.')

      console.log('\n=== TRANSACTION TO SUBMIT ================================')
      var tx_hex = tx.toHex();

      rl.question('\nSubmit this transaction to the Bitcoin network now [y/n]? ',
              (answer) => {
        if (answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y' || answer == 'yes') {
          console.log('Sending transaction...')
      uri: TXN_API_PREFIX + 'txs/push',
      method: "POST",
            headers: {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      body: JSON.stringify({tx: tx_hex})
    }, function(error, response, body) {
            if (error || response.statusCode != 201) {
              console.log('[ERROR] External API failed to broadcast txn.')
              console.log('\tError: ' + error)
              console.log('\tResponse: ' + response && response.statusCode)
            console.log('[SUCCESS] Txn broadcasted successfully; external API '
                    + 'replied with: ')
        } else {
          console.log('Exiting without sending transaction.')

One thing to note is that Tether is an Omni Layer currency, and thus their protocol can (should) be used to transfer Tether between addresses. But third-party library support for Omni seems incredibly lacking, and my interest lies with the underlying Bitcoin network rather than Omni itself. Therefore this code simply retrieves the latest USDT-BTC exchange rate to determine how many satoshis to transfer. Needless to say, production applications should use some sort of library that delegates this to the Omni protocol itself.