
April 4, 2019

Parsing a Subset of J with a PEG

The J language is an array programming language influenced by APL. Arrays are multi-dimensional; each has an integer rank specifying the number of its dimensions, in addition to a single-dimension array shape specifying the count of each of those dimensions.

Operations on arrays (and scalars) are referred to as verbs; verbs can be modified by adverbs and composed together as higher-order functions. Verbs are either monadic (taking a single argument or an array of arguments to its right) or dyadic (taking two arguments, one on either side).

Here’s an example of a simple J program:

'Some array operations...'
*: 1 2 3 4
matrix =: 2 3 $ 5 + 2 3 4 5 6 7
10 * matrix
1 + 10 20 30
1 2 3 + 10
residues =: 2 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Using a J compiler or interpreter to compile/run the above program yields the following on standard out:

Some array operations...
1 4 9 16
 70  80  90
100 110 120
11 21 31
11 12 13
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

In this post we’ll walk through a grammar for a subset of J. This particular grammar will be a PEG, and we’ll give this grammar to the excellent pest library in order to transform J programs into tokens that we’ll then use to build an AST.

The Grammar

We’ll build up a pest grammar section by section, starting with the program rule:

program = _{ SOI ~ "\n"* ~ (stmt ~ "\n"+) * ~ stmt? ~ EOI }

Each J program contains statements delimited by one or more newlines. Notice the leading underscore, which tells pest to silence the program rule – we don’t want program to appear as a token in the parse stream, we want the underlying statements instead.

A statement is simply an expression, and since there’s only one such possibility, we also silence this stmt rule as well, and thus our parser will receive an iterator of underlying exprs from pest:

stmt = _{ expr }

An expression could be an assignment to a variable identifier, a monadic expression, a dyadic expression, a single string, or an array of terms:

expr = { assgmtExpr | monadicExpr | dyadicExpr | string | terms }

A monadic expression is an action with a right operand, a dyadic expression is an action with both left and right operands, and assignments associate identifiers with expressions:

monadicExpr = { action ~ expr }
dyadicExpr = { (monadicExpr | terms) ~ action ~ expr }
assgmtExpr = { ident ~ "=:" ~ expr }

A list of terms should contain at least one decimal, integer, identifier, or parenthesized expression; we care only about those underlying values, so we make the term rule silent with a leading underscore:

terms = { term+ }
term = _{ decimal | integer | ident | "(" ~ expr ~ ")" }

Verbs can be modified by adverbs; in this grammar that notion is encapsulated in the action rule. A few of J’s verbs, and one of J’s adverbs, is defined in this grammar; J’s full vocabulary is much more extensive.

action = { verb ~ adverb* }
verb = { ">:" | "*:" | "-" | "%" | "#" | ">." |
          "+" | "*" | "<"  | "=" | "^" | "|" | ">" | "$" }
adverb = { "/" }

Now we can get into lexing rules. Numbers in J are represented as usual, with the exception that negatives are represented using a leading _ underscore (because - is a verb that performs negation as a monad and subtraction as a dyad). Identifiers in J must start with a letter, but can contain numbers thereafter. Strings are surrounded by single quotes; quotes themselves can be embedded by escaping them with an additional quote.

Notice how we use pest’s @ modifier to require atomicity for each of these rules, meaning implicit whitespace is forbidden, and that interior rules (i.e., ASCII_ALPHA in ident) become silent – when our parser receives any of these tokens from pest, they will be terminal:

integer = @{ "_"? ~ ASCII_DIGIT+ }
decimal = @{ "_"? ~ ASCII_DIGIT+ ~ "." ~ ASCII_DIGIT* }
ident = @{ ASCII_ALPHA ~ (ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC | "_")* }
string = @{ "'" ~ ( "''" | (!"'" ~ ANY) )* ~ "'" }

Whitespace in J consists solely of spaces and tabs; newlines are significant (they delimit statements) and so they are excluded from this rule:

WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\t" }

Finally, we must handle comments. Comments in J start with NB. and continue to the end of the line on which they are found. Critically, we must not consume the newline at the end of the comment line; this is needed to separate any statement that might precede the comment from the statement on the succeeding line. We also omit the EOI marker from consumption here for the same reason as it relates to parsing the program as a whole:

COMMENT = _{ "NB." ~ ( !("\n" | EOI) ~ ANY)* }

Parsing and AST Generation

This section will walk through a parser that uses the pest grammar above. Library includes and self-explanatory code are omitted here; you can find the parser in its entirety in this parser.rs file.

First we’ll enumerate the verbs defined in our grammar, distinguishing between monadic and dyadic verbs. These enumerations will be be used as labels in our AST:

pub enum MonadicVerb {
    Increment = 1,
    Square = 2,
    Negate = 3,
    Reciprocal = 4,
    Tally = 5,
    Ceiling = 6,
    ShapeOf = 7,

pub enum DyadicVerb {
    Plus = 1,
    Times = 2,
    LessThan = 3,
    LargerThan = 4,
    Equal = 5,
    Minus = 6,
    Divide = 7,
    Power = 8,
    Residue = 9,
    Copy = 10,
    LargerOf = 11,
    LargerOrEqual = 12,
    Shape = 13,

Then we’ll enumerate the various kinds of AST nodes:

pub enum AstNode {
    MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb, expr: Box<AstNode> },
    DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb, lhs: Box<AstNode>, rhs: Box<AstNode>},
    Reduce { verb: DyadicVerb, expr: Box<AstNode> },
    IsGlobal{ident: String, expr: Box<AstNode>},

To parse top-level statements in a J program, we have the following parse function that accepts a J program in string form and passes it to pest for parsing. We get back a sequence of pairs from pest. As specified in the grammar, a statement can only consist of an expression, so the match below parses each of those top-level expressions and wraps them in a Print AST node in keeping with the J interpreter’s REPL behavior:

pub fn parse(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<AstNode>, Error<Rule>> {
    let mut ast = vec![];
    let pairs = JParser::parse(Rule::program, source)?;
    for pair in pairs {
        match pair.as_rule() {
            Rule::expr => {
            _ => {}

AST nodes are built from expressions by walking pest’s pair iterator in lockstep with the expectations set out in our grammar file. Common behaviors are abstracted out into separate functions, such as parse_monadic_action and parse_dyadic_action, and pairs representing expressions themselves are passed in recursive calls to build_ast_from_expr:

fn build_ast_from_expr(pair: pest::iterators::Pair<Rule>) -> AstNode {

    match pair.as_rule() {
        Rule::expr => build_ast_from_expr(pair.into_inner().next().unwrap()),
        Rule::monadicExpr => {
            let mut pair = pair.into_inner();
            let action = pair.next().unwrap();
            let expr = pair.next().unwrap();
            let expr = build_ast_from_expr(expr);
            parse_monadic_action(action, expr)
        Rule::dyadicExpr => {
            let mut pair = pair.into_inner();
            let lhspair = pair.next().unwrap();
            let lhs = build_ast_from_expr(lhspair);
            let action = pair.next().unwrap();
            let rhspair = pair.next().unwrap();
            let rhs = build_ast_from_expr(rhspair);
            parse_dyadic_action(action, lhs, rhs)
        Rule::terms => {
            let terms : Vec<AstNode> = pair.into_inner()
            // If there's just a single term, return it without
            // wrapping it in a Terms node.
            match terms.len() {
                1 => terms.get(0).unwrap().clone(),
                _ => Terms(terms),
        Rule::assgmtExpr => {
            let mut pair = pair.into_inner();
            let ident = pair.next().unwrap();
            let expr = pair.next().unwrap();
            let expr = build_ast_from_expr(expr);
            AstNode::IsGlobal { ident : String::from(ident.as_str()),
                expr : Box::new(expr) }
        Rule::string => {
            let str = &pair.as_str();
            // Strip leading and ending quotes.
            let str = &str[1..str.len() - 1];
            // Escaped string quotes become single quotes here.
            let str = str.replace("''", "'");
        unknown_expr => panic!("Unexpected expression: {:?}", unknown_expr),

Dyadic verbs are mapped from their string representations to AST nodes in a straightforward way:

fn parse_dyadic_action(pair : pest::iterators::Pair<Rule>,
                       lhs : AstNode,
                       rhs : AstNode) -> AstNode {
    let mut pair = pair.into_inner();
    let verb = pair.next().unwrap();
    let adverbs : Vec<pest::iterators::Pair<_>> = pair.collect();

    // Adverbs not currently supported on dyadic verbs.
    assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 0);

    let lhs = Box::new(lhs);
    let rhs = Box::new(rhs);

    match verb.as_str() {
        "+" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Plus, lhs, rhs },
        "*" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Times, lhs, rhs },
        "-" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Minus, lhs, rhs },
        "<" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::LessThan, lhs, rhs },
        "=" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Equal, lhs, rhs },
        ">" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::LargerThan, lhs, rhs },
        "%" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Divide, lhs, rhs },
        "^" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Power, lhs, rhs },
        "|" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Residue, lhs, rhs },
        "#" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Copy, lhs, rhs },
        ">." => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::LargerOf, lhs, rhs },
        ">:" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::LargerOrEqual, lhs, rhs },
        "$" => AstNode::DyadicOp { verb: DyadicVerb::Shape, lhs, rhs },
        _ => panic!("Unexpected dyadic verb: {}", verb)

As are monadic verbs:

fn parse_monadic_action(pair : pest::iterators::Pair<Rule>,
                        expr : AstNode) -> AstNode {
    let mut pair = pair.into_inner();
    let verb = pair.next().unwrap();
    let adverbs : Vec<pest::iterators::Pair<_>> = pair.collect();

    match verb.as_str() {
        ">:" => {
            assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 0);
            AstNode::MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb::Increment,
                expr: Box::new(expr) }
        "*:" => {
            assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 0);
            AstNode::MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb::Square,
                expr: Box::new(expr) }
        "-" => {
            match adverbs.len() {
                0 => AstNode::MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb::Negate,
                    expr: Box::new(expr) },
                1 => AstNode::Reduce { verb: DyadicVerb::Minus,
                    expr: Box::new(expr) },
                _ => panic!("Unsupported number of adverbs for '-': {}", adverbs.len())
        "%" => {
            assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 0);
            AstNode::MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb::Reciprocal,
                expr: Box::new(expr) }
        "#" => {
            assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 0);
            AstNode::MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb::Tally,
                expr: Box::new(expr) }
        ">." => {
            match adverbs.len() {
                0 => AstNode::MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb::Ceiling,
                    expr: Box::new(expr) },
                1 => AstNode::Reduce { verb: DyadicVerb::LargerOf,
                    expr: Box::new(expr) },
                _ => panic!("Unsupported number of adverbs for '>.': {}", adverbs.len())
        "+" => {
            assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 1);
            assert_eq!(adverbs[0].as_str(), "/");
            AstNode::Reduce { verb: DyadicVerb::Plus,
                expr: Box::new(expr) }
        "*" => {
            assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 1);
            assert_eq!(adverbs[0].as_str(), "/");
            AstNode::Reduce { verb: DyadicVerb::Times,
                expr: Box::new(expr) }
        "$" => {
            assert_eq!(adverbs.len(), 0);
            AstNode::MonadicOp { verb: MonadicVerb::ShapeOf,
                expr: Box::new(expr) }
        _ => panic!("Unsupported monadic action verb: {}", verb.as_str()),

Finally, we define a function to process terms such as numbers and strings. Numbers require some manuevering to handle J’s leading underscores representing negation, but other than that the process is typical:

fn build_ast_from_term(pair: pest::iterators::Pair<Rule>) -> AstNode {
    match pair.as_rule() {
        Rule::integer => {
            let istr = pair.as_str();
            let (sign, istr) = match &istr[..1] {
                "_" => (-1, &istr[1..]),
                _ => (1, &istr[..]),
            let integer : i32 = istr.parse().unwrap();
            AstNode::Integer(sign * integer)
        Rule::decimal => {
            let dstr = pair.as_str();
            let (sign, dstr) = match &dstr[..1] {
                "_" => (-1.0, &dstr[1..]),
                _ => (1.0, &dstr[..]),
            let mut flt : f64 = dstr.parse().unwrap();
            if flt != 0.0 {
                // Avoid negative zeroes; only multiply sign by nonzeroes.
                flt *= sign;
        Rule::expr => build_ast_from_expr(pair),
        Rule::ident => AstNode::Ident(String::from(pair.as_str())),
        unknown_term => panic!("Unexpected term: {:?}", unknown_term),

Running the Parser

We can now define a main function to pass J programs to our pest-enabled parser:

fn main() {
    let unparsed_file = std::fs::read_to_string("example.ijs")
      .expect("cannot read ijs file");
    let astnode = parse(&unparsed_file).expect("unsuccessful parse");
    println!("{:?}", &astnode);

Using this code in example.ijs:

_2.5 ^ 3
*: 4.8
title =: 'Spinning at the Boundary'
*: _1 2 _3 4
1 2 3 + 10 20 30
1 + 10 20 30
1 2 3 + 10
2 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
another =: 'It''s Escaped'
3 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 * 2 + 1
1 + 3 % 4
x =: 100
x - 1
y =: x - 1
+ / 100 200 300

We’ll get the following abstract syntax tree on stdout when we run the parser:

$ cargo run
  [ ... ]
[Print(DyadicOp { verb: Power, lhs: DoublePrecisionFloat(-2.5), rhs: Integer(3) }), Print(MonadicOp { verb: Square, expr: DoublePrecisionFloat(4.8) }), Print(IsGlobal { ident: "title", expr: Str("Spinning at the Boundary") }), Print(MonadicOp { verb: Square, expr: Terms([Integer(-1), Integer(2), Integer(-3), Integer(4)]) }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Plus, lhs: Terms([Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)]), rhs: Terms([Integer(10), Integer(20), Integer(30)]) }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Plus, lhs: Integer(1), rhs: Terms([Integer(10), Integer(20), Integer(30)]) }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Plus, lhs: Terms([Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)]), rhs: Integer(10) }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Residue, lhs: Integer(2), rhs: Terms([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4), Integer(5), Integer(6), Integer(7)]) }), Print(IsGlobal { ident: "another", expr: Str("It\'s Escaped") }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Residue, lhs: Integer(3), rhs: Terms([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4), Integer(5), Integer(6), Integer(7)]) }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Times, lhs: DyadicOp { verb: Plus, lhs: Integer(2), rhs: Integer(1) }, rhs: DyadicOp { verb: Plus, lhs: Integer(2), rhs: Integer(2) } }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Times, lhs: Integer(3), rhs: DyadicOp { verb: Plus, lhs: Integer(2), rhs: Integer(1) } }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Plus, lhs: Integer(1), rhs: DyadicOp { verb: Divide, lhs: Integer(3), rhs: Integer(4) } }), Print(IsGlobal { ident: "x", expr: Integer(100) }), Print(DyadicOp { verb: Minus, lhs: Ident("x"), rhs: Integer(1) }), Print(IsGlobal { ident: "y", expr: DyadicOp { verb: Minus, lhs: Ident("x"), rhs: Integer(1) } }), Print(Ident("y")), Print(Reduce { verb: Plus, expr: Terms([Integer(100), Integer(200), Integer(300)]) })]

Concluding Notes

The pest library lives up to its “elegant parser” byline. I view pest as a solid Rust contemporary to tools I’m familiar with such as ANTLR. The ability to write a grammar declaratively for a language like J without having to write a recursive descent parser is immensely useful, and pest has a solid set of features that make specifying the grammar itself a breeze.